Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm in San Francisco

So I'm in San Fran on a business trip. I'm at the Grand Hyatt in a meeting room listening to our outgoing CEO give his last presentation to our senior management. It's a bit sad, but I'm a firm believer in change is good. Some of us gals went to a late showing of Harry Potter last night. It was really good. Harry is growing up. My house is getting new siding while I'm away, so I'm looking forward to going home. I miss my family who are all doing just fine without me. I'm lucky that way. They are all grown up and need me less and less everyday. It's hard to take, but I guess that's life. Nobody told me that it was going to be so hard letting go. I always thought you raise them and clip their wings. That's easy, right? Nope! I know my girls will be fine as they approach life as a "grown up" and I know deep down that my son will be just fine, but I feel the need to stay attached to him and guide him. Why don't I feel that way with the girls. I just know they will be fine. I miss my grand baby terribly. I just want to sniff her chubby neck and make her smile. I brought pics of everybody with me, and even though I'm getting laughed at. I have the pics spread out in front of me. Hope everybody is having a great weekend.


Jenster said...

My boy is 15 and my girl is 12 going on 30. And I have a tiny idea of what you're talking about. This letting them grow up thing is so hard! It's a bittersweet thing. I want them both to grow up to be responsible, productive and happy adults and at the same time I want them to stay home with their mommy forever. Except when they're home with me too much I'm ready for a little separation! lol

Sounds like you're enjoying SF. One of my favorite cities.

Natalie said...

Hey there Jennnn. The trip has been good but mostly work. It's good to see people that I haven't seen in a year. I usually call home and talk to everybody at least once a day when I travel. On this trip, I hardly spoke to my son, Joseph. Maybe twice and both times he couldn't wait to get off the phone. It's heart breaking to say the least. Have a fab day!