So The View doesn't want me, I get it. They could have at least contacted me and said thanks but no thanks. I now blame them for my huge void. I loved every minute of my time on The View. It's in my blood now. I want MORE!!!!! I was on Ellen
Degeneres' site and heard that she was looking for a fan who would like to be on the show. You have to love music, love
tv, know a bit about current events, be funny but not over the top, etc. When I heard that I said to myself that her search is over. I'm her girl. I really love Ellen's show. The energy level is great and it's always funny. None of this... let's depress my viewers shows. Her performance in Finding
Nemo sealed the deal for me. She was amazing in that role. So needless to say, I quickly composed my email response to her which, if I may say so myself, was quite brilliant. Hopefully I'll hear back from her.
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