Friday, July 27, 2007

Dream On!

Ok, I knew it was a stretch, and I really hope that everybody knows that I have been completely realistic about the whole thing. I have had a lot of fun with my quest and have met a bunch of really great people including Sherri Shephard! I am soooooooo thrilled for her. The dream is not dead! Now I will try for the 8 week gig while Elisabeth is on maternity leave. So everybody get back on the Natalie bandwagon and message Bill Geddie on my behalf! Thank you to everybody that helped me get my message out.


Jenster said...

We'll keep on it!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Natalie!! I am so excited to actually get a comment on my Blog!! I will add your Blog to mine now so I can visit you often. I promise I won't bug you too much. You know I thought that whole thing with you wanting to get on the View was so cool! You sound like an incredible woman and don't worry if you didn't get it there will always be a next time or something else cool for you to go for.